Better is Better than Good

We are often surprised by human’s ability to withstand almost anything. Hunger, poverty, torture, persecution. Our capacity to endure all this is often times based on the hope of a better future. When caught up in bad situations, we tend to imagine ourselves in situations that are dramatically improved. We, as humans, might not be very good at identifying the right solutions to our problems or even what the right problems are, but we are extremely good at thinking that they might one day disappear. Hope moves us forward.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Then Cryptocurrency I'd Like To See

Disclaimer: Some of the factual statements in this article might be incorrect.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

How To Use Let’s Encrypt on Kubernetes to Automatically Generate Certs

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Kubernetes, How Do I Do That?

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

The 10 Commandments of Code Reviews

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Tips for Self-Learning Programming

My friend who’s learning programming asked me the other day: ‘What do you recommend for learn programming quickly?’. I learned programming by myself when I was in college, and over the years I’ve realized how I went about it in the hardest way possible. There are many things I could have done to learn at a much faster rate. Hence, I thought I’d look back and write down some of the things I’ve learned over there years about learning programming.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

New ES6 Features in Node LTS

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

5 Time-Saving Bash Scripts

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Handling Errors with ES6

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

9 Common Dockerfile Mistakes

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Bluebird in the wild. Advanced promise-based workflows

This post is a re-post of my blog post in the Runnable Blog, as part of my work for Runnable. Check out the original post.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Connecting 2 RethinkDB clusters with proxy node

Just yesterday, I got the following question on Twitter:

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Setting up Travis.yml tests with RethinkDB

Because you’re a good developer, you often write tests for the code you’re writing. Because you’re a really good developer, you often use tools like Travis CI for continuous integration.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

The most important tradeoff when modeling data in RethinkDB

A question many RethinkDB users commonly have is: “How do I model my data?”. Because RethinkDB is a NoSQL document store with no schema enforcement but with joins, people get a bit confused about how to structure their data. Should it be more like MongoDB or should it be more like SQL? How is data modeling in RethinkDB different form other databases? Is what I know now still useful? Data modeling in RethinkDB is so flexible that it can be a little overwhelming to decide how to structure your data, and it’s young enough that there aren’t a lot of battle tested best-practices out there. But, a lot of already established principles for data modeling are perfectly applicable in RethinkDB.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Why your query language should be explicit

A couple of days ago I was having a conversation with a developer about the product he’s working on and his experience with RethinkDB. He caught me off-guard when he mentioned that, when writing ReQL (RethinkDB’s query language), he always had a clear idea of what was going on and how the database was working as a whole. Didn’t that happened will all databases he uses? He was a Postgres guy, with a lot of SQL experience, and for him Postgres was always too complex to completely understand. If you really wanted to understand something in Postgres you had to dig into the internals. With RethinkDB, he explained to me, the queries themselves exposed a lot of the logic behind how the database works. This, perhaps counterintuitively, made using RethinkDB much easier.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva