jSass: My Very Own JavaScript SASS Compiler

A couple of days ago, as part of a two day hackathon at Hack Reactor, I build my very own Sass compiler. For those of you unfamiliar with it, Sass is a CSS pre-processor and probably the best one out there. There’s a lot of Sass compilers out there, but mine is the only one written purely in (and not ported to) JavaScript.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

The 4 Basic Types of Time Complexity

Time complexity is a measure of the number of operations an algorithm must make in relation to the number of inputs we give it. We call the number of inputs n. We use the term marginal cost to describe the increase in runtime caused by increasing n by 1.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

What Are JavaScript Promises And How Can I Use Them?

Usually, when writing JavaScript asynchronous code and you want something to happen after something else, you pass in a function into another function. This is what’s usually called a callback function. But, you already knew that, right?

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Mocha: Testing on the Command Line in 4 Easy Steps

Lately, I’ve become a testing fanatic. I write tests for almost everything that’s not DOM related (and sometimes even for that!).

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Impostor Syndrome and Me

For the longest time (and I still think a bit this way), I thought this was the silliest thing in the world. I though that if someone thought they weren’t good at something it’s probably because they probably weren’t!

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

An Introduction to PHP... And Why It's Yucky!

Here’s a presentation I gave out today on PHP and why I’m not the biggest fans. The presentation is actually quite clear and doesn’t need a lot context.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Toy Problems: Prime Number Finder in 3 easy steps

Yesterday, we got a toy problem in which we need to find if a number was a prime number or not. Here’s how I went about solving the problem

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Week #3 @ Hack Reactor: Backbone.js, Backbone.js and Backbone.js

Here’s some of the projects I worked on at Hack Reactor during week #3. Each project was done in a 2 days sprints were I pair-programmed with someone from my cohort.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Week #2 @ Hack Reactor: N Queens and Web Workers

This week, I met a lot of new people, worked on a couple of interesting toy problems and have been getting more comfortable here at Hack Reactor. But, most importantly, I’ve been working on some really cool projects. Here they are!

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Week #1 @ Hack Reactor

Following a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very. very, very long tradition of Hack Reactor students writing week by week blog posts reflecting on their experiences, I’ve decided to write a blog post every week about my experience at Hack Reactor. These blogs were so influential in my decision to come to Hack Reactor that I thought I’d be unfair for me not to contribute to the conversation.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Chrome Extension: Evil Console

Want to mess around with your developer friends? How about a way to overwrite their console so that it misbehaves?

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

What I expect from Hack Reactor

It’s less than 24 hours since starting at Hack Reactor. I’ve been thinking about what I want out of the program and where I want to be in 3 months. It’s tough. I feel I don’t have one big reason to do it, but rather, many smaller reasons that add up to a very clear decision.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

The Most Amazing Javascript Error

Today, after upgrading chrome to Chrome 38, I got the most amazing JavaScript error I’ve ever gotten in my life!

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Writing my own JSON.parse

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva

Setting Up My MacBook For Development

I got a new MacBook Pro today (Retina is beautiful!) and wanted to write down all the stuff I did to set it up correctly. I sort of enjoy going through all this, because it feels like I’m starting from scratch, but I often forget all the stuff I used to have in my computer.

Author's profile picture Jorge Silva